During TEFAF programme

From 13 to 22 March 2015, Marres offers a programme of films, lectures and a workshop. Free entrance with a ticket to the exhibition Adam, Eve & the Devil.
Extended opening hours: During TEFAF 13.3.2015 – 22.3.2015, Monday to Sunday 12 – 7 pm
Every day: 60 Minute Dinner
Enjoy a two course dinner (including two drinks) at Marres’ unique restaurant Marres Kitchen for only €30 p.p. A perfect way to start or to complete the public programme, also for TEFAF professionals. Reservations strongly recommended: Chandra Merx
Lectures, films and a workshop
Presentation Allegory of the Cave Painting
Friday 13 March 6-7 pm
Mihnea Mircan is a curator and writer. He is the artistic director of Extra City Kunsthal in Antwerp. His exhibitions include A Slowdown at the Museum and Jean-Luc Moulène Endwards. Mircan will be talking about his recent project The Allegory of the Cave Painting, which takes as its point of departure the prehistoric Bradshaw paintings, colonised – and chromatically rejuvenated – by red bacteria and black fungi. The lecture disentangles the idiosyncratic chronology of these paintings, within whose contours the past – allegorically – goes hand in hand with a radical contemporaneity. Language: English.
Lecture: The language of images
Saturday 14 March 6-7 pm
Francesco Stocchi is curator of modern and contemporary art at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. His recent exhibition Brancusi, Rosso and Man Ray, in which we could view a work of art simultaneously through the artist’s and our own eyes, exemplified his interest in criticism through images. In addition to organizing exhibitions throughout Europe, Stocchi is editor of the annual magazine AGMA dedicated to exhibition making. Language: English.
Workshop: producing ‘medieval’ miniatures
Sunday 15 March 2-4 pm
Lukas Stofferis, director of the Academy for Arts and Crafts in Utrecht will introduce the medieval masters’ technique of making miniatures in all tactility and visual refinement. Due to limited availability, reservations strongly recommended before March 13: renee.roukens@marres.org
Lecture on Medieval Miniatures
Monday 16 March 6-7 pm
Heribert Tenschert of Antiquariat Bibermühle has a very precious book collection of illustrated manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the village of Stein Am Rhein in Switzerland. The collection spans nine centuries and enjoys a worldwide reputation. Tenschert will discuss the deeper layers of the two manuscripts that are on view in Adam, Eve & the Devil. Language: German.
Film: Ingmar Bergman, The Magician (1958)
Tuesday 17 March 6-7.45 pm
In The Magician (1958), the magician Albert Vogler travels around 19th-century Sweden with his theatre, entertaining his audience with predictions, hypnosis and quackery. The scientific establishment seeks to unmask his trickery of the senses, unleashing a satanic battle with reason. Language: Swedish, subtitles: Dutch.
Presentation on Johannes Vermeer's magnificent blue
Wednesday 18 March 6-7pm
A presentation by Ige Verslype, restorer at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, on Johannes Vermeer's magnificent blue. Ige Verslype has restored paintings including Johannes Vermeer’s Woman Reading a Letter (1663-1664) under the auspices of an international committee of experts. In the presentation, she will highlight how Vermeer created his enchanting blue and will also disclose other unexpected details that came to light during the meticulous restoration process. Language: Dutch.
Lecture on Metamodernism
Thursday 19 March 6-7pm
How should we interpret the typically modern positions and romantic tendencies that are re-emerging in our current thinking about society, culture and art? Timotheus Vermeulen is assistant professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen. Together with Robin van den Akker, he published Notes on Metamodernism (2010). He provides a new perspective on our times based on the new cultural logic of metamodernism. Language: English.
Films by Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys
Friday 20 March 6-7pm
Since the late eighties, Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys work as a team. Their films present homely yet estranging interiors in which stiff characters with lopsided wigs, give with stammering throat sounds expression to deep fears. With a mixture of fact, fiction and repressed histories, De Gruyter and Thys open a door to new dimensions in space and time. Introduction by Ardi Poels, curator of Adam, Eve & the Devil. Language: English.
Lecture on spirituality in art
Saturday 21 March 6 - 7pm
Pádraic E. Moore is a writer, art historian and curator. Currently he is a participant at the Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. He authored the essay for the Adam, Eve & the Devil exhibition pamphlet. In his approach to art, he demonstrates a predilection for a subjective and intuitive art discourse. In his presentation, Moore will discuss different works from the exhibition and take us along intriguing side paths of art history. Language: English.
Film: Charlie Kaufman, Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Sunday 22 March 8:30 pm
Ticket: €8.50
The film Synecdoche, New York (2008) is the film debut of director Charlie Kaufman, with Philip Seymour Hoffman in the lead role as the theatre director Caden Cotard. At the start of the film, his secretary Hazel buys a house that is eternally on fire. Director Kaufman comments: ‘She made the most important choice of her life here. In the scene just before she dies, she says that the ending is built into the beginning.’ Language: English, subtitles Dutch.
Suggestion: 60 Minute Dinner at 7pm.
Please note that this film will be shown at the nearby cinema Lumière, Bogaardenstraat 40b.
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