Chambres d'Amis weekends

Alongside the exhibition Intimacy, Marres organises a so called Chambres d'Amis. The artists Amie Dicke, Emily Jacir, Birthe Leemeijer, Keetje Mans, Nishiko, Petra Stavast, Sanne Vaassen and Roy Villevoye show their work at homes in the centre of Maastricht. The title Chambres d'Amis is a tribute to Jan Hoet, who made fame in 1986 by showing artworks in private homes in Ghent.
How does it work? Start with a visit at the exhibition at Marres itself. The entrance ticket to Intimacy gives you access to visit the six houses that very Saturday and Sunday. They are open to the public during the weekends starting June 27 until July 19 from 12 to 5pm.
Extra: Marres offers the possibility to barrow a bicycle to visit the houses, for the ones that rather not walk. Limited edition.