Common Knowledge #22: Peeking inside Maastricht's cultural doors

What opportunities are there in Maastricht for cultural professionals? Where can I exhibit? Where can I find a studio to rent? Which experts can help me in developing my career? With which institutions can I cooperate? How can I further develop my career? What kind of professionals are there in Maastricht? Can I connect with them?
Peeking inside Maastricht's cultural doors, answers to all these, and more questions. There are 4 different tours from which you can choose. Each tour is focus on these pillars: KNOWLEDGE -SKILLS - CONNECTIONS. Subscribe via email
Tour 1
This tour starts at the Bonnefanten Museum. Here Tom Goossen and Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, NL’s Communication Department welcome you, and let you have a peek behind the coulisse of the Museum; Next, this tour will bring you to the studio of Jo Coenen, where Frans Van Neer explains IBA Parkstad and their werkhuis program – as well as tell you what your role could be in this; Looking for a boost of energy and enthusiasm? Good, because next in this tour is a meeting with bv Mathieu Bruls architect, a visit of his HQ and firsthand information about his way of working and supporting young talent; After that, we’ll take you to B32, the most experimental place for multidisciplinary artists in Maastricht, where the curator and director Joep Vossebeld will share his knowledge; Last but not least we will walk to De Brandweer, where Joke Zaat will explain the latest crowd-funding policy of the Province of Limburg.
Tour 2
This tour starts at the Jan van Eyck Academie, where you can discover their amazing opportunities and different laboratories. Then, you will discover LaunchBase, a place where you can find support for your creative endeavors; Next, you can connect with LB Lena Berens & Milan Palma, fashion designers who will explain how they translated ideas into successful brands. Not only will they share what they’ve learnt during their journeys, but also give you some hands-on tips and tricks; We'll pass by to Le Marais Deux & Koffie! Afterwards, you can meet the amazing members of the Collective Workspace Maastricht. They rent out space and desks, but also provide opportunities to connect with others professionals; Last but not least we will walk to De Brandweer, where Joke Zaat will explain the latest crowd-funding policy of the Provincie Limburg.
Tour 3
This tour starts at Rooms/SoupSolo. Not only because it serve delicious homemade soups, but because it offers young artists and creative people space to show their artworks; Then Code 043 will open its door and tell you everything about how they can support your project, financially but also through their advice! Next on the program is a visit to Video Power, an initiative stimulating the creative production of audio-visual material. Ideal to get to know if you want to create film, but need some (practical) support; Afterwards we’ll discover Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, where project manager Renee Roukens will tell you about their ‘senses’ program, as well as interests in multidisciplinary artists; The tour continues at Intro in Situ, an innovative production house for contemporary music performances, and stage for young pioneers in music and performing arts. Here its director Bart van Dongen will reveal what happens behind the scenes, how you can participate, and tell you more about possible partnerships; Last but not least we will walk to De Brandweer, where Joke Zaat will explain the latest crowd-funding policy of the Province of Limburg.
Tour 4 (Bring a bike for this one)
Are you interested in finding out what happens at NAiM / Bureau Europa, what Maastricht Lab is busy developing, and what kind of projects are they supporting? Then jump on your bike and take this tour with us. Because thanks to Loes van Oort and the team of Maastricht LAB, figuring these things out is first on the agenda; Next, Guido Franken will guide you into the new HQ of Cinesud. He will tell you about what they offer in terms of cooperation, talent development, and knowledge-sharing; If you are looking for a studio space, you’ll have the chance to talk to Sam Ateliers and visit Caracola, followed by a visit to the newly landed Dear Euregio office and hotel. Here where Marlies Vermeulen and Remy Kroese are ready to work on a new project and perhaps host you in their Euregio Hotel; Last but not least we will walk to De Brandweer, where Joke Zaat will explain the latest crowd-funding policy of the Province of Limburg.
All tours end at De Brandweer, where we are also receiving a special guest from Spain: Maria Prada, a Phd candidate in Fine Arts from the University of Vigo. She has been involved in the research group dx5 digital & graphics art research. At Ck#22 she presents, the results of this nternational cooperation project, Multiple[x], complexity and sustainability.
You can book your place by sending us and email at Tickets: 6 Euros. Places limited.