Extended Deadline The Great Indoors Award

The Great Indoors Award 2015
Forever Now
When Eckhart Tolle wrote his spiritual bestseller, The Power of Now, he argued that true liberation can be found only by living in the instant, the now. But what specific moment was he referring to? With every click, swipe, scan or turn of a page, we seem to be lusting for newness and nowness. What does our hunger for visual input and aesthetic gratification tell us about the culture in which we live? Is our culture based solely on a superficial, smooth-talking commercial sector that urges us to consume? On a creative industry that sees innovation as a USP? Is there something profoundly liberating in celebrating the now, in discarding legacies of the past and ignoring gloomy projections of the future?
The Great Indoors Award is a biennial international award for the most innovative interior designs for public and commercial spaces. All non-residential interior designs and installations realized between September 2013 and August 2015 are eligible to enter. The Great Indoors Award 2015 is initiated and organized by Frame Magazine, Marres House for Contemporary Culture and Bureau Europa. It's made possible through the financial support of the City of Maastricht, the Province of Limburg, the Creative Industries Fund NL. Go to the The Great Indoors website for all details.
Extended Deadline
Since early June, interior design projects have been flooding in from around the world. Due to this continuous influx, the organisation has extended the deadline for participation to August 15. So it is still possible to sign up! An important condition is that your design was realised between September 2013 and August 2015. For application forms and further information, please visit www.the-great-indoors.com